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Menu Applet

 This applet creates a menu either horizontal or vertical without images, but requires a java 1.1 fully compatible browser, like Internet Explorer 4 or Netscape Communicator + java 1.1 patch. When the mouse is over a text message, each font size, font style, font color and background color can change.

    Download the class and put it in the same Directory

Author: George Eleftheriou





  • Copy the following code for the vertical version and inset into your  html  file:




  • TextToDisplay is the text you want to appear in the applet. Must be separated with ";"

  • URLtoDisplay contains the URLs that correspond to the above text values.Must be separated with ";"

  • Position is either Horizontal or Vertical

  • bgCOLOR1 is the background color of each label. All colors are defined as triples of R,G,B values where 0<R,G,B<255. All values zero indicate black, all values 255 indicate white.

  • bgCOLOR2 is the background color of the label when the mouse is over it

  • textCOLOR1 is the foreground color of each label

  • textCOLOR2 is the foreground color of the label when the mouse is over it

  • FontSize is the font size

  • FontSize2 is the font size when the mouse is over it.

  • FontName is the name of the font. If you don't know what fonts your java support, you 'd better leave it as it is.

  • FontStyle: the style can be "PLAIN" or "BOLD" or "ITALIC", or "BOLDandITALIC". Default is "BOLD".This means that if you don't specify this parameter, or if you specify it wrong, fontstyle will be "BOLD"

  • FontStyle2: the style when the mouse is over the text. Default is "BOLD"

  • Target can have any of the values "_self", "_parent", "_top", "_blank" or the name of the frame you want the URL to appear.Must be separated with ";". Default is "_blank"

You can customize all the values but remember to change the width and height of the applet accordingly.

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